In the pit
As, I am sitting here listening to music and scrolling mindlessly on Facebook. My mind starts to think on my relationship with Jesus Christ. I realized something that I didn't find Jesus in CHURCH or when I was in Ministry, I found Jesus in the pit I found and built a real relationship with Him at my lowest time in my life. I found Jesus when I looked up and everyone was gone. It took me losing it all and being by myself with no distractions to really find Him. To allow him in the secret places of my heart. For years I knew of Jesus and claimed I had him in my heart. But when trials came into my life, I would walk away from him instead of going to Jesus with the hurt and pain. I would turn away and run. It was in that low place of not having anywhere to run to anymore or anyone, but Jesus that I really got to know Him and fall in love with Him like never before. I am thankful for the pits that I have been placed in because that is where I have grown the most and gotten...